
Disability Insurance Spotlight

To show how disability insurance can augment financial resilience, this brief examines short- and long-term disability insurance coverage, acquisition channels, and knowledge of American consumers, with a focus on LMI consumers.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018
 Disability Insurance Spotlight

In this companion brief to our consumer insurance report, CFSI explores short- and long-term disability coverage trends among low-to-moderate income (LMI) individuals, as well as opportunities for insurers.

Top Takeaways

To show how disability insurance can help individuals weather unexpected financial shocks, CFSI explored how Americans purchase and use these policies.

Disability insurance is one of the least understood types of insurance coverage

Few people currently buy disability insurance, presenting an opportunity for employers to increase access and adoption

While consumers generally don’t buy disability insurance because they think they don’t need it, price is the biggest barrier for LMI consumers

Data Spotlight


How well do you understand the different features of disability insurance that you can buy (e.g., what percentage of your income will be replace, how disability is defined, etc.)?

Purchased/share cost of short-term or long-term disability through work or outside work

Most people say they don’t understand disability insurance very well, highlighting an opportunity for providers to educate consumers so they can shop with confidence.



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Our Supporters

This paper benefits from financial support from The Prudential Foundation. The opinions expressed in this report are those of CFSI and do not necessarily represent those of our sponsors.

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Disability Insurance Spotlight

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