Case Study

Borrowing Opportunity: Using KPIs to Track Small-Dollar Lending Success

In this case study, we highlight our evaluation of Nusenda Credit Union’s small-dollar lending program, highlighting the positive impact on its participants and the business.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020
 Borrowing Opportunity: Using KPIs to Track Small-Dollar Lending Success

Measuring the financial health of members can enable credit unions to develop more effective ways to strengthen their financial well-being. In this case study, we highlight our evaluation of Nusenda Credit Union’s small-dollar lending program, highlighting the positive impact on its participants and the business.

Top Takeaways

The Financial Health Network and Nusenda tracked KPIs over a period of roughly six months for 44 borrowers participating in its COOP Capital program, a small-dollar lending program administered by a nonprofit partner. Key findings included:

Small yet positive improvements in borrower credit scores

Slight increases in overall KPIs during the six-month period, suggesting that KPIs may continue to grow over a longer period

Loan acquisition was the primary motivator for membership, highlighting the program’s effectiveness in attracting new members

Data Spotlight

The Financial Health Network and Nusenda selected seven relevant KPIs to understand the impact of the COOP Capital program on participants’ financial health and the credit union’s business. 

Our Supporters

 This evaluation was generously sponsored by the National Credit Union Foundation.

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Borrowing Opportunity: Using KPIs to Track Small-Dollar Lending Success

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